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Small Business Credit Cards

In today’s economy, small businesses play an important role.  These days, it is easier than it ever has been to start a new small business.  There are all kinds of new businesses popping up all over the United States, from department stores to gas stations.  With new businesses on the rise, the owners should be looking into small business credit cards - for numerous reasons.

The best reason to get a small business credit card is for separating your personal finances from any business related finances.  Once you have a small business credit card, you can start making all of your purchases via Internet, phone, or in person.  Business credit cards are accepted virtually everywhere, which is great for those who need equipment or supplies in a hurry.

If you own a small business, you’ve probably experimented with using your personal cash for company purposes.  This can get ugly in a hurry, which is why you should invest in a credit card for your small business.  You can make purchases without having to worry about cash, then pay it back later.  You won’t need to keep track of everything either - as you statement will be mailed to you at the end of the month, letting you know exactly how much you spent.

A small business credit card is also a great way to establish some credibility with your business as well.  When you pay with your credit card, it looks a lot more professional than using cash to make your purchases.  It will gain the respect of financial companies, and help your business build some credit as well.  After you have had a credit card in good standing for a few months, you’ll be able to apply for a small business loan and get the best rates - along with the higher amounts.

Even though your business may not have a 6 figure income or budget, small business credit cards can still help your business grow and prosper.  Credit cards are always great to have, simply for the fact that you never know when you need money.  Your office equipment may crash and need replacing, or another emergency may come up.  If you don’t have a credit card for your business, the financing alone could shatter your daily operations.

Small business credit cards will also give you plenty of rewards as well.  Most cards will give you cash aback and certain rewards on just about anything you purchase.  From gas to equipment, you can get rewards simply for using your credit card.  You can increase your profit margin as well, which is always a great thing.  If you have other workers who are authorized to use your credit card, you’ll get more rewards - and much faster as well.  This is also easier on your business, as your workers will be able to get what they need, when they need it.

All in all, small business credit cards are always great to have around.  They will provide your business with rewards and convenience, eliminating the need to use cash with each purchase you make.  These cards will also protect the future of your business, and allow it to grow.  If you own a small business, you shouldn’t hesitate to look into these credit cards.  Once you have found the best credit card for your company, you shouldn’t hesitate to apply.  Credit cards are always great to have around - even if your business is just getting started.  Before you know it, your small business credit cards will more than pay for themselves.

? What is IT


IT stands for Information Technology.  It is simple pronounce I T, the two separate letters.  In most organizations it is the computer department.  The place where all the geeks gather to hunch over clicking keyboards to get the computer to do some wonderful new trick.  That is what people imagine.  In fact the IT departments are one of the key elements in today's technology.  Without IT departments, there would be many items we commonly take for granted no longer available to us.

IT departments are responsible for every banking system in the world today.  It was the IT departments who first made it possible for online banking.  It was the IT department who came up with computer software designed to allow the use of debit and credit cards.  Lending institutions and finance companies who depend on amortization calculators would have to go back to figuring by hand with out the use of the programs developed by IT departments.

In short, if a computer generated the program for the device or system you are using, it was an IT department somewhere who designed it.  Thus was born the business analyst.  The business analyst may or may not have been from the IT department.  He or she may not be able to write code.  They do know the intricacies behind it.  They are the ones able to speak with others to determine what the IT department should be doing.

The system works something like this.  The stakeholder, someone in business or with a business interest, has an idea he or she thinks may sell or make the business more money.  The idea may only generate an easier way of doing things.  Faster production means less man hours.  Less man hours means less payroll.  Less payroll means more money for the company to spend somewhere else.  The problem came when the stakeholder tried to explain what he or she wanted from the IT department.  The IT department caught on to the general concept and designed an application for the program.  The stakeholder found he could not use  the code.  Enter the business analyst.

The business analyst will listen to the stakeholder.  He or she will evaluate the situation to determine if the needs of the stakeholder are viable.  The business analyst can determine if other items are necessary for the stakeholder and the end user to be happy.  When it is determined exactly what the stakeholder needs, the business analyst will speak with the IT department.  The IT department will be off and running.

The IT department in many companies have developed amazing things.  You just never know what an IT department has done for you until you stop and think about it.  Processors run on code.  Tiny processors are used for many things we use in everyday life.  Cell phones and cordless phones are two things everyone uses.  Bluetooth technology was developed by a team of IT specialists.  The computers in the vehicle you drive are running code an IT department somewhere developed.

When someone mentions the IT department, it should be done with respect.  Almost any electronic device or system run with a computer code would not be functioning if it were not for the IT department.

Getting Approved Instantly Online

If you’ve surfed around on the Internet, you’ve no doubt ran across many different credit card companies, offering you cards at what they claim are the best in terms of interest rates and fees.  Credit card companies operate both offline and online, and you can even apply for your card directly through their website.  Even though many people understand how this process works, there are some who don’t.

There are a lot of credit card companies who can process your application online instantly, or within a few minutes.  Keep in mind that it doesn’t mean you can shop instantly, simply because you can’t print out your new credit card and take it out to the store.  You can still shop, although you won’t be able to use your new credit card - you have to wait until it is mailed out to you.

Although your application will only take you a few minutes, you’ll still have to wait for your new credit card.  It will be sent to you via mail, so you’ll need to a wait a few short days before it arrives.  Online credit cards are a smart choice, as most will tell you instantly whether or not you’ve been approved.  Even though you’ll have to wait on the card, it doesn’t take near as long as applying the old fashioned way.

When you compare the old fashioned method of getting credit cards to the online method, you’ll see some major differences.  The first difference is the time, as it can take a long time to return the credit card offer to the company and receive a response.  Snail mail can take forever when you are waiting on a response, especially if there are problems with processing your application.

The traditional method of getting a credit card won’t allow you to compare what other companies have to offer.  If you choose to apply for your credit card online, you’ll have the option of looking at several different companies. This way, you can find the best deal for your money and know without a doubt that you found the best deal.  There are literally hundreds of credit cards online, all you have to do is find one that interests you and apply for it.

Keep in mind that even though applying online is a great way to get credit cards, there are limitations on instant approval.  As you may already know, online credit cards with instant approval are meant for those who already have good credit.  Even though you may not have good or perfect credit, there are ways that you can get approved online.  With the market being very competitive these days, there are some companies that will approve you regardless, just for the simple fact that it gives them business.  A lot of online companies are looking to get more business, so they will let the line slide quite a bit, and approve almost anyone now days.

If you are looking for a credit card, all you have to do is look online.  You’ll find many to choose from, giving you plenty of available options.  Credit card companies are easy to find online, with there being more online than offline.  Getting approved online for your credit card is easier than ever, as all you need to do is apply and wait for a response.  With a little luck, you may end up getting approved.  Once your application is approved, all you do is sit back and wait for your credit card to arrive - it’s as easy as that.

Credit Card Reward Cards

No matter where you look, there is always a credit card company that is offering reward programs with their credit cards.  New ones pop up all the time, making it sound too good to turn down.  Even though they may sound great, you may wonder if the rewards are truly worth it.  In some cases they are, although in others they may not be quite as good as you would like.

Although having more than one reward card is something many people instantly think about, you should always keep in mind that not all of them are worth having.  Even though using your credit card is always good, you can sometimes end up paying quite a bit if you don’t pay attention to what you are buying.  When it comes down to credit card reward cards, you should use caution - with a dash of common sense.

Any reward cards that come with high interest rates should always be avoided.  With most reward cards, you’ll find that they include higher rates of interest than standard cards.  This higher interest rate can quickly and easily offset any type of reward.  To be on the safe side, you should always look at the interest rates and determine if the reward is indeed worth it.  If you pay off your entire balance at the end of every month - then this won’t be a concern at all for you.

You should also keep your eyes peeled for reward cards that offer a high annual fee.  These cards can be very tough to keep a grasp of, and they can also interfere with any type of reward you may think your getting.  If you look at the fine print before you get choose your reward credit card, you can help to eliminate problems.
Cash back is a type of reward card that is becoming very popular.  A lot of the top credit card companies and banks offer cash back programs that are normally around 1% for every purchase that you make.  Before you rush out and get a reward card, you should always make sure that you read the fine print and see if there is a maximum limit on the card.

Another type of popular reward credit card is the type that give you points for every purchase you make using that card.  Once you have accumulated enough points, you can redeem them for items and other cool things.  Some cards will have limits as to how many points you can receive, which again makes it your best interest to shop around.  

There are also credit cards with frequent flyer miles, which have been around the longest.  Some cards will base their rewards on points, while some choose to use actual miles.  For every dollar you spend using your frequent flyer credit card, you’ll receive either a point or a mile.  Once you get enough accumulated, you can redeem them.  Most frequent flyer rewards take about 25,000 points or miles in order to redeem them, which can make it nearly impossible for some to reap the benefits of using the card.

No matter where you look, finding the right credit card reward card can take some time and effort.  You may have no problems finding the card to fit your needs, and if you do, you should consider yourself lucky.  Before you choose your card however - you should always take the necessary time to read the fine print and compare what each unique company has to offer you.

Credit card debt consolidation

‘Credit card debt consolidation’ is a phrase that you must have come across many times. There are hundreds of sites with advice on credit card debt consolidation. Every now and then your Favorited newspaper will also contain an article or advise on credit card debt consolidation. TV channels host discussions on credit card debt consolidation. Moreover, there are numerous consultants and companies that provide professional advice on credit card debt consolidation. So what is this “Credit card debt consolidation” that everyone is talking about? Why is it such an important topic?

“Credit card debt consolidation” refers to consolidation of the debt on various credit cards into a single credit card (or a couple of credit cards). Generally, you move from a higher APR credit card to a lower APR one. You might ask ‘why?’ If you look into how the vicious circle of credit card debt works, you will immediately understand the logic behind that. Credit card debt grows in 2 ways. One is due to addition of new debt on account of fresh spends on your credit card and the second is due to addition of interest charges to the existing credit card debt. The first one is due to your use of credit card but the second one is due to interest charges which are calculated on the basis of the interest rate or the APR applicable to your credit card. So a lower APR rate means that your credit card debt will grow at a slower pace and hence switching over to a card with lower APR makes perfect sense. 

The process of credit card debt consolidation is also referred to as balance transfer process (you transfer the balance or debt from one credit card to another).The credit card debt consolidation (or balance transfer) offers are made even more attractive by the credit card suppliers by associating various benefits with them. The simple logic behind offering these benefits is the fact that such a customer would be defecting from one of their competitors. The biggest benefit offered by these credit card suppliers is 0% interest on balance transfers (or credit card debt consolidation). This 0% APR is generally applicable for a short period of time i.e. 3-6 months, after which the standard APR is applicable. Other credit card debt consolidation offers include things like interest free purchase for a short period, reward points, etc. These credit card debt consolidation offers make the exercise of credit card debt consolidation even more logical and meaningful. 

Credit card debt consolidation seems to be a good way of tackling the problem of credit card debt and that is the reason why there is so much of discussion on the topic of Credit card debt consolidation.

Low interest credit card

A lot of people just look at low interest credit cards when they are looking to get a credit card for themselves. The credit card suppliers too advertise low interest credit cards more that any other kind of credit cards. However, should low interest credit cards be the only ones on your list when you are hunting for a credit card? Probably not. For some people, interest rate or the APR is probably the most important thing to look for when selecting a credit card. However, that doesn’t hold good for everyone. Low interest credit cards are good and should surely be on your list, but APR is not the only thing to look for. 

Let’s start with understanding what an APR (annual percentage rate) is and where its importance lies. APR is simply the interest rate that is used to calculate interest on the balance in your credit account with the credit card supplier. There is no interest charge if you make the full payment of your credit card bill (by the due date). However, in case of a partial payment, you will need to pay an interest on whatever you owe the credit card supplier. The APR is backward calculated to get a monthly rate and the same is applied on your balance to calculate the interest for the applicable period. 
That means, people who are not sure about being able to pay the full amount, every time, should surely look for low interest credit cards. A low interest credit card helps in reducing your total outgo by curtailing the interest you pay on your balance. So, low interest credit cards help in slowing down the rate at which your credit card debt builds up. Thus low interest credit cards are surely important for a particular group of people, as stated above.

Besides this group, there are others who don’t really need low interest credit cards. These people are capable of (and intend to) pay off their credit card bill in full every month. Their purpose in using a credit card is convenience and other benefits associated with the credit cards. So, be it low interest credit cards or high interest ones; it really doesn’t matter for them. 

So the need for low interest credit cards is more felt by a particular group of people. However, even if you go for a low interest credit card, you need to pit the various low interest credit cards against each other (vis-à-vis the other benefits they offer)  and then select the low interest credit card that is best suited to your needs. 

So, first you need to evaluate whether you need to go only for low interest credit cards and then select the low interest credit card that fulfils your needs. After all, you don’t go hunting for a credit card everyday.

Chase.com credit card 

Online credit card applications seem to be the in thing and Chase too offers online credit card application facility. Here, ‘Chase.com credit cards’ refers to the chase credit cards that can be applied for online. Just for those who don’t know, ‘Chase’ is a brand that is owned by JP Morgan Chase & Co. (a leading global financial services firm). 

By ‘Chase.com credit card offers’, I mean the credit card offers that are available at chase.com. Obviously, ‘Chase.com credit cards’ would be regulated by chase. Again, as with any other credit card supplier, ‘Chase.com credit cards’ on offer would be changing too.  

Anyways; one night, before going to bed, I thought of just checking the chase.com credit cards section. Here is what I found:

There is a separate Chase.com credit cards section. As I browsed through the Chase.com credit cards section (the online application ones), the first one I encountered was called ‘Chase Cash Plus’ or the ‘Chase Cash Plus Rewards’. These promise faster rewards and offer 5% earnings on gas and on purchases made at grocery-stores/drug-stores. For other shopping venues, it offers 1% earnings. These earnings can be in the form of gift certificates or cash. 

The next on the Chase.com credit cards section was the ‘Flexible rewards Visa signature card’. Here you earn a point for every purchase of $1. You can keep collecting these points and then finally redeem them for your choice of things (like cash, travel, gift certificates or some kind of merchandise). The redemption can start at 2500 points (and you get a bonus of 1000 points once you make the first purchase). Moreover, this one doesn’t have any annual fee either. So that was the second one in the Chase.com credit cards section. 

Moving on in the Chase.com credit cards section, I found ‘Free Cash Rewards Platinum Visa card’. This one, as the name goes, offers cash rewards. You can get a $25 check or a gift certificate on redemption of 2500 points. Since there is one point earned for every $1 spend, this mean that you effectively get 1% cash back on these cards. 

I had started loving browsing through the Chase.com credit cards section. So I moved on to the next one in the Chase.com credit cards section. The next one on the Chase.com credit cards section was ‘Chase Perfect Platinum MasterCard’ which doesn’t limit you to getting rebates only on a particular brand of gasoline; instead, you get rebates everywhere. ‘

Chase Platinum MasterCard’ was the next one in the Chase.com credit cards section. This one offers online account management i.e. monthly statements, bill payments etc can all be done online (also you don’t have any annual fee on this one). 

There were few more cards on Chase.com credit cards section and one especially caught my attention. This one was at the bottom of Chase.com credit cards section and was called ‘Check Gallery Platinum Visa Card’. Here you could choose the design of your card from those available e.g. cowboys, smileys etc. 

By now, I was so sleepy that I really had to shut down my computer and go off to sleep.

Note: The information given in this article was correct at the time it was written. However, the author does not guarantee the correctness and completeness of this information at any time.