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The worth of a business credit card

Among the so many varieties of credit cards, one of the most underestimated is the value of a business credit card. Many people do not choose to apply for a business credit card because aside from having a definite target market— the business owners or business executives—it seems to be complicated to use. Although a business credit card has more requirements and has higher interests compared to other types of credit cards there is, contrary to the common conception, t can be very helpful if used properly. 

What is a business credit card

Basically, business credit card is for the business people’s consumption. Compared to the regular credit card, a business credit card has a high limit plus low interest rates. Depending on the manner of choosing, a business credit card may also bring a lot of automatic benefits. 

Since it is targeted towards businessmen or those people who are heading towards building a business, a business credit card can definitely benefit these small businesses. A business credit card helps the budding business by extending payments while improving the cash flow. Aside from bearing the image of a dependable credit card, business credit card boasts of having detailed reports and giving quality customer service as its major trademarks.

Aside from having limits and low interest rates, a business credit card provides many alternatives and numerous credit options for small businesses. A business credit card also caters to large corporations that are crafted to aid those people who are starting with their own business to grow while closely monitoring the baseline of credit. 

Simplifying business credit cards
It really pays to go to the bank when one applies for a credit card to get the chance to answer all immediate inquiries. But since business credit card is for business people who are always on the go, many business credit card issuers offers online applications for business credit cards.  When one applies for a business credit card, there is no need to visit the bank. There is also no need to wait in the queue just to talk to a bank representative. When you apply business credit card online, all you have to do is to select the business credit card option that would perfectly suit your small business or corporate credit requirements right from the comforts of your home or office. Aside from offering safe, secured, and simple processes that are designed help you take care of your starting business, most business credit cards online offer accessible features for the convenience of the business credit card holder like the online payment and reporting. Customized company logos and access to instant cash are also available on line. Other business credit card online offers detailed reporting features for easy monitoring and access. 

Most business credit card applications offer free fee for the first year and no pre-set spending limit or finance charges. Other business credit card offers viable membership rewards program that enables the member to earn points towards travel, merchandise and other rewards for his or her business. Some of these business credit cards offer small businesses a line of credit up to $100,000 at a competitive APR as low as prime + 1.99% for both cash and check purchases; 100% of the line is available as cash and no collateral is required. The business credit card holder or customer might receive fee-free checks as well as a card to access the account. Everyday savings or exclusive savings, express approvals, no annual fee, up to 5 percent rebates on all qualified purchases, and 0% introductory annual percentage rate (APR) on purchases during first half of the year of card membership are some of the great offers of most business credit cards. 

Although majority of the business credit card issuers offer great value deals, it is very important to research first what does your business needs. Whether your business credit card is meant for investing in inventory or just for payroll, it is significant to look for a flexible business credit card that can handle almost anything. Whether you opt to go directly to the bank or apply for a business credit card online, a number of premier business credit card suppliers are there to help you find the right credit card product as easy and convenient as possible.

What You Need To Know to Apply for a Credit Card 

One of the disadvantages of modern times is that people tend to acquire so many things they don’t really need. Numerous gadgets and services occurred targeting a vast market of consumers and this emergence of various inventions somehow blinded people. 

Since finances—especially money—is one of the major concerns of many people, a wide array of financial management services and financial options emerged. One of the most visible among the unending line of financial management services there are is the credit card. 

Although many people testify for the financial convenience you get when you apply for a credit card, it doesn’t mean that every financing convenience applies for you or for everybody in that matter. 

When people apply for a credit card, there is always a reason. It can be for managing their finances, needing extra money or in preparation to a big expenditure. But, no matter what the reason is, people apply for a credit card because of the ultimate convenience it brings. By now, you may have had your share of ‘pre-approved’ credit card offers in your virtual and physical mail. Since people are quite vulnerable when they apply for a credit card, some credit card issuers lure these people by giving low introductory APR, no annual fee offers among numerous perks. The tendency of this so many alternatives and “value” deals is to sway the person who wants to apply for a credit card. 

There are undeniably endless lists of pros and cons when you apply for a credit card, but if you really have decided to apply for a credit card, these are some of the helpful tips that can guide you on your credit card shopping journey. 

Actually, there are three easy steps you should follow if you have decided to apply for a credit card. First, surf the net and do some research on credit cards. By doing this, you can familiarize yourself with different credit card terms and types. Second, you can compare numerous credit cards that would best serve your needs and lastly, you may now apply for the credit card of your choice by filling out a credit card application by visiting a bank representative or through online. 

In order to find the right credit card fast and easy, first, before you apply for a credit card, make sure you mastered the credit card terms. When you apply for a credit card you must know what a “credit card” really is. Being a form of borrowing that involves charges, credit cards usually have underlying credit terms and conditions affect your overall cost. So, it’s best to compare terms and fees before you apply for a credit card and agree to open an account. Some of the important terms to be understood well include the annual percentage rate or the APR. 

When you apply for a credit card, you must know how the APR affects your credit account. Being a measure of the cost of credit expressed as a yearly rate, the APR should be disclosed before you apply for a credit card so that you would not be obligated on the account and on your account statements later on. Aside from APR, the periodic rate must be disclosed to the card holder before they completely apply for a credit card so they would have an idea of their outstanding balance and finance charge for each billing period. Other important terms to know before you apply for a credit card are free period or “grace period,” annual fees, transaction fees and other charges, other costs and feature, and balance computation method for the finance charge like average daily balance, adjusted balance, previous balance, and two-cycle balances. If you’re not that type of person who is patient enough to research on all these terms, make sure that before you apply for a credit card, the issuer will give an explanation how the balance is computed and it must appear on your monthly billing statements.

How to Find the Best Vacation Package Deals

Are you in the process of planning a trip?  If you are and if your trip will require air travel, you will find that you have a number of options when booking your travel arrangements.  One of those options is to purchase a vacation package.

Although vacation packages do have their pros and cons, there are many travelers who buy them, as well as recommend them to others.  There are two main reasons for this.  The allure of vacation packages is that you often receive a discount and that it is easy to book multiple travel arrangements all at the same time.  Although you will find some variations, vacation packages should include more than just airline reservations.  Depending on the package in question, they may include overnight accommodations and a car rental as well.

If you are interested in booking your next travel arrangements in the form of a vacation package, you may be wondering how you can go about doing so. The good news is that you have a number of different options.  Just a few of the many ways that you can go about finding and buying vacation packages that include airline reservations are highlighted below for your convenience.

The first place that you will want to look at is some of the major online travel websites, like Orbtiz.  These are travel websites that focus on large areas, such as both domestic and international travel.  Many of the well known vacation travel websites will give you some freedom when looking to buy vacation packages.  For example, if you already have your overnight accommodations arranged, like if you are staying with friends or family, you can still book a vacation package that only include airline reservations and a car rental. 

As a reminder, be sure to visit travel websites that are well known for their great deals and good reputations.  These websites can easily be found with a standard internet search.  If you are concerned with the reputation of an online travel website, you can easily do a little bit of research first online.  There are many websites that are designed to assist travelers, as well as online message boards where other travelers, just like you, talk about online travel websites.  To help save you the best money, you may want to compare similar vacation packages offered by different travel websites. When doing so, have a pen and paper handy so that you can easily record your findings.

In addition to well known travel websites, you may also want to visit specialty websites. These are travel websites that focus on a particular area, such as Hawaii or Florida.  Many of these smaller travel websites are still trustworthy and reputable websites and many also offer vacation packages.  In fact, depending on where you look, you may find a vacation package that includes a stay at a vacation rental, like a vacation home.  These types of vacation packages can sometimes be hard to find, but they do exist.

If you are traveling to a vacation destination that is popular or well known, like California wine country or Hawaii, you may be able to get vacation packages through vacation resorts and hotels.  While many of these packages may only include overnight accommodations, a car rental, and a few nearby activities, you may be surprised with what you find.  As a reminder, you may have the best luck when dealing with large or well known hotels and vacation resorts, as they are the ones more likely to have vacation packages for sale that include airline tickets.

As a reminder, vacation packages come in a number of different formats.  Even if you have purchased your airline tickets, you may still be able to benefit from a vacation package.  There are some vacation packages that only include overnight accommodations, like a stay at hotel or vacation resort, and a car rental.  These types of packages are ideal for those who have found a great deal on airfare independently or for those who have already made their airline reservations.

Why Air Travel Just May Be the Most Important Part of Your Trip

Are you in the process of preparing for a trip that requires you to travel by air?  If you are, you should know the impact that your air travel experience can have on your vacation.  Unfortunately, this is something that many individuals do not think of until a complication arises.

For starters, traveling by airplane is important to the overall success of your trip, as it is how you will get to your destination.  If you miss your flight, you may, literally, be out of luck.  Depending on the situation at hand, you may be responsible for buying your own replacement tickets.  For that reason, you will always want to arrive to the airport early.  You will also want to make sure that you follow all airport rules and restrictions, especially at airport security checkpoints.

Another one of the many ways that your air travel experience can impact your vacation is by ruining it.  Remember that your vacation starts and ends with a plane ride.  If you have an unpleasant experience, like with a rude airline attendant or a problem at an airport security checkpoint, your vacation will likely get off to a bad start.  This can have a significant impact on your mood, as well as how you look at the rest of your vacation.

Your air travel can also have an impact on what you get to do and see while on vacation.  This is impacted by the money that you have.  When booking a flight for your trip, be sure to compare prices.  The less you spend on your airline tickets and the less you spend on food and snacks at the airport, the more money you will have to put towards your vacation.  This may mean that you can stay at a vacation resort as opposed to a traditional hotel.  It may mean that you can enjoy dinner at a nice restaurant, as opposed to a fast food joint.  It may also mean that you get to participate in activities or visit attractions that weren’t previously on your to do list because of costs.

As you can see, there are a number of different ways that your air travel can impact your vacation.  With that being said, it is important to remember that you do have some control.  There are a number of steps that you can take at the airport and while in-flight to help ensure that you have a pleasant experience, as well as a great vacation.

As a reminder, it is important to not only know all airport security rules, but to also follow them, especially when packing.  If you do not bring any prohibited items, especially in your carry-on bag, you will likely get through airport security with ease.

Be sure to follow all directions given to you by airline attendants.  If you are supposed to stay seated in-flight, be sure that you do.  If you have to go to the bathroom, ask an airline attendant for advice; however, do so politely.  Better yet, make sure that you go to the bathroom beforehand.  As previously stated, there are always steps that you can take to improve your travel. 

Finally, don’t let anything get you down.  Of course, customer service is important and all airline attendants and security personnel should be kind and treat you with respect, but also remember that we all have bad days.  For that reason, don’t take anything too personal.

Online Travel Websites Can They Really Save You Money

Are you interested in taking a trip or a vacation soon?  If you are, you may be looking for ways to save money.  When it comes to finding great travel deals and discounts, many individuals are told to visit online travel websites.  With that said, many are still left wondering if online travel websites can really save them money.

When it comes to determining if online travel websites can save you money, there are a number of important points to keep in mind.  Generally speaking, yes, online travel websites can save you money, but you need to proceed with caution.  If you are not careful, online travel websites can actually end up costing you more money in travel costs, like with airline reservations.

The best way to find affordable airline reservations and other travel arrangements is to know what you are getting.  This is important to the overall success and satisfaction of your trip.  For many individuals, online travel websites can be tricky to use, especially with a number of rules, restrictions, and exceptions.  When you buy a ticket on an online travel website, make sure it is for an actual set of tickets; do not purchase any standby tickets, as you may not be able to fit onto the flight in question.

In keeping with knowing what you are getting, it is important to thoroughly examine any airfare quotes that you may receive through an online travel website.  What many do not realize is that most online travel websites charge consumers a fee for using their services.  This fee is often hard to notice, as it is typically included in with the quoted airfare rate, but that does not mean that it will not exist.  Keep an eye on online travel websites and the fees that they charge, as they should be reasonable, but not too high.

In staying with costs, you will want to compare prices, when looking to buy airline tickets on an online travel website.  What you will want to do is examine similar flights on different online travel websites.  Since most travel websites charge different fees, you will likely see some differences, but be cautious of any huge price gaps.  Significant gaps in quoted prices are a good sign that you are being overcharged or at least over quoted.

In addition to buying airline tickets through an online travel website, you may be interested in booking a stay at a hotel or booking a reservation for a car rental.  When doing so, you will likely end up buying a vacation package.  Vacation packages are nice, but they are designed so it is easy for consumers to overpay or at least walk away without getting a good deal.  When you are quoted a price for a vacation package, the name of the hotel in question should disclosed.  Quickly visit the website for that hotel and perform your own private quote.  Do the rates match?  Are you getting a good deal or not?

In conclusion, online travel websites are a nice way to make travel arrangements, especially where airfare is considered.  If you are careful and watch every step that you make, you can use online travel websites as a quick, easy, and convenient way to book your travel arrangements, including your airline reservations, while saving money at the same time.  

The History of the Air Ambulance

We have all come to know the familiar sound of the helicopter overhead that is flying quickly from the scene of a tragic car crash to the nearest trauma center at a nearby hospital.  We may have even known someone who has needed to utilize such air ambulance service.  Do you know the history behind these marvelous methods of medical transportation?

Think back nearly a century ago.  During World War I, air ambulances were first introduced.  Between 1914 and 1918, a           variety of military organization tested the use of flying ambulances to treat patients.  Over time, this beginning has spawned into the air ambulances of today.

What later became the Royal Doctor Flying Service started in the year 1928.  This milestone event was the first air ambulance service ever to exist.  This service began in the Australian Outback.  This non-profit organization was intended to provide service to people living in the remote areas of the Outback.  The Royal Doctor Flying Service provided emergency medical care, as well as, primary care for individuals who found it difficult to reach general healthcare facilities or hospitals due to the distance. 

In 1934, Marie Marvin-gt started an air ambulance service.  This was the first civil air ambulance service in Africa.  The air ambulance service was established in Morocco.  Again, the remote areas and terrain played a role in the decision to begin this service in the specific location.

Marie Marvin-gt used her pioneering spirit and record-breaking personality to help others when she began the air ambulance unit.  She was the first woman to fly combat missions as a bomber pilot.  She also was a qualified nurse.  Specializing in aviation medicine she was the perfect candidate to begin the air ambulance service in Morocco.  In fact, she worked to establish air ambulance services worldwide.

It was in 1936 that a military air ambulance service assisted wounded.  The injured were evacuated from the Spanish Civil War.  The wounded received treatment in Nazi Germany.  

The Saskatchewan government established the first civil air ambulance in North America in 1946.  Regina, Canada was home to this landmark service.  Still today the air ambulance service is in operation. 

Only one year later in 1947, Schrieffer Air Service began.  This was the first air ambulance service in the U.S.  Founded in Los Angeles, California by J. Walter Schrieffer.  The Schrieffer air ambulance service also became the first to be FAA certified in the United States.    

It wasn’t until November 1 of 1970, that the first German
Air ambulance helicopter began service at the hospital of Harlaching, Munich.  This unit was called Christopher 1.  As the idea spread over Germany, the air ambulance service continued to grow rapidly.  By 1975, Christopher 10 began service.  Currently, around 80 helicopters are being used as air ambulances in Germany.  Each unit is named after Saint Christopher, the patron saint of travelers. 

Denver, Colorado was home to the first hospital-based air ambulance medical helicopter in the United States.  In 1977, Flight for Life began.  Soon, the helicopter air ambulances expanded to use other types of aircraft.

In 1977, Ontario, Canada a flight paramedic program began with a single rotor-wing aircraft.  Today, this program has become the largest and most sophisticated air ambulance program in North America.  The fleet is dispatched to over 17,000 missions annually.

Lee County, Florida began a public service air ambulance transport in 1978.  They began using a Bell47 then progressed to a BO 105.  Currently, they use a BO 105 and an EC-145.        

Today, the air ambulance industry has grown and expanded to become worldwide.  Aircraft vary from helicopters to jets.  The medical advances and technology has also grown to include high-tech tools and equipment that can effectively monitor and prolong life during medical emergencies in the air.   

Does My Credit Card Cover Air Ambulance Services During Travel

Credit cards seem to fill the pockets and purses of nearly every traveler around the world.  Premium credit cards frequently offer benefits and perks for travelers.  These little extras lure consumers into using their specific credit card to make travel purchases.  If you use credit cards when you travel, it is important to learn about the specifics for your particular card.

Does your credit card cover lost or stolen items away from home?  Does the card cover air ambulance services in an emergency?  Learning about such benefits will help you prepare for your next trip whether it is across the country or around the world.

Begin your quest for answers by digging out your paperwork from your credit cards.  Start combing through the fine print to see what your premium credit card covers and what exclusions apply.  After doing a little detective work, you will undoubtedly realize that you do have some coverage during your trip away from home.  Credit card companies will typically pay for lost or stolen luggage or other personal goods during a trip, but this feature is only effective after a deductible has been applied.  Of course, all credit card agreements are different, so check your card to be certain.

If a medical emergency should arise, the credit card coverage may pay to have you transported to the nearest medical facility.  Your premium credit card may even pay to have someone fly to be with you.  Yes, this is quite a nice benefit, but the card will not cover expenses to fly you home on an air ambulance to the hospital of your choice to be near family and friends.  Also, it will not cover the added expenses of hotel rooms, food, and other expenses associated with the family member traveling and staying in the area so far from home.

Due to this vulnerable situation, many cardholders decide to purchase a membership to an air ambulance service that will cover any fees associated with getting the patient home.  Such a company will charge a set fee, typically charged monthly or annually.  For this fee, the covered person or family can choose to fly via air ambulance from any hospital far from home to the hospital of their choice.  All of this is at no additional cost.  Since such a flight home on a medically staffed air ambulance is expensive, this membership can save a great deal of money.  One trip on an air ambulance can cost between $10 and $75,000.

Even a premium credit card won't cover those expenses.

Before traveling away from home, it is crucial that you learn the ins and outs of your coverage from a credit card.  Even premium credit cards with fabulous benefits may leave you open and vulnerable in a medical emergency.  All credit card agreements vary, so read the fine print very carefully.

If you are not guaranteed coverage of a flight home on a medically staffed air ambulance to the hospital of your choice, then you are not adequately covered with your credit card.  Additional coverage is necessary to protect yourself, your family, and your wallet.